Unpredictability is..

Based on the poem that was generated on Day 01, we explored how to associate different objects to each line. We were able to train a model so that it could recognize these objects. And so, as the outcome of Day 02’s exercise we had a small web app that recognized objects and prompted the associated line of the poem.

The poem I had generated goes as following:

Unpredictability is…

As turquoise as the ocean

It sounds like raindrops on a tin roof

Unpredictability is chaotic

I associated the first line with the neutral space, because we are unaware of what to expect next. Each of the following lines were associated to objects in my surroundings.

As turquoise as the ocean
It sounds like raindrops on a tin roof
Unpredictability is chaotic

Once identified, these objects were then used to train a model on teachable machines, associating it to each line.

This was then exported into app in P5 to create a quick way of representing the poem through objects.

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